reticulate - v. to divide, mark, or construct so as to form a network. Represented in code as a for-loop that draws lines across two adjacent perpendicular edges.

cornerWidth = 900
lineSpacing = 50
for ( i = 0 ;   i < cornerWidth ;   i += lineSpacing ) {
  point1 = [ i , 0 ]
  point2 = [ cornerWidth, i ]
  Line( point1, point2 )

Arranging the shapes in 2-dimensions implies 3-dimensional structures.

Expanding the system into 3-dimensions yields a continuous surface or a discrete interpolated set of surfaces.

Arranging the three-dimensional structures yields objects with spatial characteristics.

The structures can be fabricated by laser cutting the two-dimensional parts that make up the discrete set of surfaces.

The parts can be assembled and adhered using a simple craft glue.

The entire design methodology is encoded into reticulate's web-based software, enabling users to design and manufacture their own models.

The software requires only two basic tools. The select tool is used to modify and delete a reticulated corner. The create tool is used to create a new reticulated corner.

Select Tool

Create Tool

The software enables the reticulated corner to be modified by four parameters: length, position, beam width, and beam count.





The software exhibits three views:
1. The create view is used to modify the reticulated object.
2. The frame view displays the object and supporting frame.
3. The part view displays the 2-D parts used to manufacture the object.

Create View

Frame View

Part View

The software also features useful validations to help ensure that the model does not contain intersecting or overlapping parts.



Create your own object to learn more.